My Youngest Son

My Youngest Son

We were so close. SO VERY CLOSE. I can’t find words to describe the drastic change in our relationship. The only saving grace I have – that I cling to – is that a therapist told me kids have their foundation built by the time they are ten.  The therapist keeps telling...
Surviving Parent Alienation

Surviving Parent Alienation

How do I handle Parent Alienation? Not well!  I can’t even begin to describe the pain and sense of loss I go through daily.  I ache for my kids.  I miss everything about being a mom.  I even miss doing their laundry!  I was a stay-at-home mom for 16+ years and I was a...
Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom

Again I have to talk about the “New Normal”.  What my life used to be, and what it is now.  I have to keep re-adjusting and lowering my expectations. The lack of a role I play in my boy’s lives saddens me.   I want to stop this cancer that grows everyday inside this...
Sam Turns 18

Sam Turns 18

My biggest fear has come true.  After 4 years of listening to Sam threaten to block me and cut all ties with me once he turned 18 has come true.  A few days before his 18th birthday it all went silent.   Since I can’t go to his dad’s house in fear of having the police...
Feeling Broken Inside

Feeling Broken Inside

Even though Sam is now 18 and I have been blocked on all forms of communication since his birthday in August, I continue to follow his school progress online.  About once a week I write him a short letter and tell him how much I miss him and love him. I usually print...